Make an object constraining a controler in my DA rig

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As usual, sorry, but i didn't find any answer, so here is my problem:

I have successfully made a rig for my character and make it into a digital Asset.

This character will have a staff, and i'd like to make the staff contraining the ik controler of a hand. (Because i'd like to have the staff rotating around a pivot where it touches the floor).
It seems easy the opposite way (the hand contraining the staff) but as my DA is locked, i have to “enable editing of contents” on it to make the parenting works. And even so, it breaks the original parenting i have inside my rig.

I though about including the staff in my DA, but it will only work for a specific case. I mean, what if i want to unparent the hand and parent the other one? Or if i need later to parent the staff to the hand, the opposite way?

I know i may be confuse, and even worst my english writing!
But if anyone have an idea…

I shouldn't say that, but i was looking to maya constraints style parenting, where you can animate and stack a lot of constraints…
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Isn't this a case of creating for those objects inside your digital asset various “handles” in your DA to interact with the exterior?

I recall a tutorial with a simple pill that showcases the approach to create visual handles.

Sorry I can't be more specific but I am not in front of the workstation
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if you drop down a simplefemale from the Character Shelf you'll see that she has a parameter called ‘L Custom Space’ (Arms>Left Arm)
if you reference an object in the parameter and then set the blend to 1 - this object will now be the parent of the L Arm IK control - so animating it will animate the IK.
if you unlock the asset you'll be able to see how this is set up - a fetch node and a blend basically, with some parameters promoted.

Michael Goldfarb |
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Thanks a lot, will see this right now!
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That worked quite well, thanks Arctor!
Even if i'm not able to keep the current position of the hand as it worked in maya when creating a new constraint, it will do the trick for now.
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it's not the best solution - one of the current tricky bits of HDAs and something we're working to improve.
you should also have a look at the Dynamic Parent tool - in the Viewport > TAB > Dynamic Parent
Michael Goldfarb |
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I will as soon as i can, thanks Arctor.
I was thinking (don't know how hard it could be) that an option like the “keep position when parenting” could be nice, like “keep position when blending” :p
I'm not a technical guy at all, but i guess it's a trick with inverse xForm matrices, right?
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