persistent quickmarks

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Hello, the docs say about quickmarks:
“They are not saved with the scene file” []

Please, is it possible to set the quickmarks with python and have the quickmarks set on houdini startup?
Somehow to “hack to default addresses” for these keys:locations? Without having to manually set them each session?

1: /obj/geo1
2: /obj/dopnet1
3: /obj/ropnet1
4: /obj/matnet1

Please, any tip to better use of quickmarks is welcome.
Could SESI make them persistent? Or why not?
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This has been a common request, so they will be persistent in the next major release. As a side effect of being persistent it will also be possible to get/set them using python. But for now, the answer is no.
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Great. Thank you very much for the good news and efforts.
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This has been a common request, so they will be persistent in the next major release. As a side effect of being persistent it will also be possible to get/set them using python. But for now, the answer is no.

Is there any news about python quickmarks?
Also, would it be feasible to set with python quickmarks 10, 11, 12, and so on?
They would not be accessible with keyboard shortcuts, instead they could be used for python specific operations, leaving free for the user shortcuts quickmarks 0 to 9.
A scenario of use: a parameter menu to access different subnetworks with reference images that you add procedurally with pyton
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I can't tell if Python quickmarks exist yet so I'm just going to RFE it! Are there any workarounds?
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You can also set shortcuts to the commands under the “Go” tab in the network editor. There you can set shortcuts to jump to your most commonly used contexts.

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Trying to set up a Python startup script that sets quickmarks to my preferred networks. Is it possible to set these in Python yet? Seems like it must have been implemented by now, but I can't find any reference.. it's mid 2024.
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