Just had a fast job - many interior renderings. I don't have a commercial houdini. I modeled everything in xsi, tried to render (had 2 hours to the meeting) but somehow it didn't want to render.
When I exported everything to max vray rendered whatever resolution with GI in a matter of minutes, quite pretty (without shaders).
This really makes me angry because most of the time I'm forced to use max because of this renderer, it gives great quality in no time, is fast and firm.
Now after this foreword, I know a bit how to tweak mantra's GI, but one bounce will never give this beautiful soft look fast. Deadlines are very tight. I'd like to use houdini for work oneday but from what I see it would be impossible now. Are we going to get multibounce, fast global illumination in the future?
I know this is a question without answer, but now the only thing I could do is to use AIR (which is fast and very attractive) or Mental Ray (which is old and clumsy), but I'd need to spend 17 k and would not have the power and control of shading as in mantra.
Oh if only Vray was rman compliant …