I have three questions for you guys

1- Is it possible to bake texture colors into vertex colors? I found an old thread from 2002 in which somebody explained how to sample a texture in a ‘Vertex’ node, but I've tried that and couldn't get it to work. Another problem here is that I would like to sample some/all pixels in adjacent triangles and get the average color, sampling a single pixel isn't a good way to get the approximate color.
2- When I convert polygons into VDBs and back into polygons, is there a way to somehow preserve more data, be it vertex colors or maybe even texture coords (approximated) so I can bake the vcols after the VDB? I don't think voxels can hold that data so I guess a simple solution but that would work only for my specific case is to simply get the color based on the closest vertices of the original mesh since I'm not modifying the object shape considerably.
3- After using the ‘Mirror’ node (actually I'm using clip and then mirror, but I'm not sure if that's the proper way to do it), you might end up with many coplanar faces, say for example you're clipping in half and mirroring a cube, the top square will consist of 2 rectangles that I would like to merge into one square again, but I couldn't find a way to do that, I've tried “Clean” and “Merge” and many other nodes to no avail.
If you guys are curious about what I'm trying to do: I'm trying to convert some models I have here that are too detailed into some kind of ‘google poly’ style, the idea is to use volumes in order to get a ‘solid’ shell (what works pretty well) and then use the amazing polyreduce (and perhaps a bit of remeshing and VDB smoothing depending on the situation) to get the low-poly style.
Thanks in advance.