Houdini works fine on FC5 except..

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I can 't maximize to full screen. Ok .. not too bad but there is a small gap in the right side.
Can I configure houdini to force it fullscreen?

screen.jpg (12.4 KB)

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I tried to install FC5 here.. but then i had such Black GUI … and i tought it was just incompatible with new Xorg… could you post your config? graphics board… Xorg .. drivers…

I'm now running it smoothyl on FC4 and I'm so happy with it.. it works really great… I'm on Ati tought.. so my happyness is justified

btw… such “maximize” problem is here too.. just click maximize and should do it… at least it do here.

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hey sumone ..

I think it has some problem with new xorg i think.

this one is strayDog's post and it works for me.

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=5369&highlight=xorg [sidefx.com]

Ok everyone, this has quite an easy solution after all.

Basically, Houdini can't find the rgb.txt file so for anyone having this issue simply create a symbolic link in $HFS to the rgb.txt file that lies somewhere in the xorg7 dir. Here's how i actually did it

$> locate rgb.txt (which gave me the result “/usr/X11R7/share/X11/rgb.txt”)
$> ln -si /usr/X11R7/share/X11/rgb.txt $HFS/rgb.txt

This way you'll get regular colors without actually having to fiddle with resources.std file and HEX triplets.

Hope this makes some houdini friends happy. Cheers.
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well.. i installed Fedora Core 4 and 5 so many times since I got this laptop two weeks ago … that now I'll stick with this working Fedora Core 4 seup .. everything works fine.. including others apps… and Houdini at first… I'll try Core 5 when “REAL” Ati drivers (read: working) will comes out.. 100% compatible with new Xorg and all stuffs… I'm really sick about backupping and restoring.. i did it at least 20 times until last night

I'm happy with my setup now.. and I'll wait at least 6 months to move to something else… (and to the new t60p dual core :p)

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I have had this problem many times.
Is a problem of Houdini with some window managers, I think.
I have had this problem with window maker, icewm, kwin (KDE) and Metacity (GNOME).
I hope SESI will solve it for the next release.
In some cases in addition with your problem the window close button dissapears.
Some threads with solutions for this problem:
http://odforce.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3499&hl=window++manager [odforce.net]
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=5064&highlight=window+manager [sidefx.com]

Please SESI solve this strange problems with window managers in Linux.
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Pablo Giménez
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Actually apart from the Xorg (Xorg 7 and Core 5) and ATI Drivers (non ATI drivers) issues I had… i never had problem with Gnome (Metacity) or KDE (3.5.1) …

Running Fedora core 4 here atm …

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Actually apart from the Xorg (Xorg 7 and Core 5) and ATI Drivers (non ATI drivers) issues I had… i never had problem with Gnome (Metacity) or KDE (3.5.1) …

Running Fedora core 4 here atm …

I am running Ubuntu Breezy, 5.10.
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I don't think it's the proper way but i found the workaround.I just need to play around with screen resolution.First I set mine to 1280x800 and it won't go fulll screen but it works fine on 1152x864.
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I just gave a try on Fedora Core 5 on a new Hard drive I had available for this “test” (I currently run FC4 with full satisfaction.. but I love the upgrades.. ) and.. with no tricks at all it runs pretty well.

After installing FC5.. and couple of “yum update” .. I installed the ATI proprietary drivers…

Xorg 7.. drivers 8.26.18 .. everything fine.. no black GUI….

BUT.. I cant maximixe the window to full screen …
do you guys found a solution to this problem?… it actually hurts me a little bit ).

i wont change my display resolution ..as a turnaround.. i'm running a thinkpad with 1600x1200 LCD .. and i wont go with non native resolution if possible…

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The best way to set up your application resolution is to simply give it the -geometry settings on startup (when you start the application up that is..)


one could try: hescape -geometry 1600x1200+0+0

It breaks dow to this 1600x1200 = width x height (depends on your window manager, as borders and title bars take up screen real-estate)

+0+0 = x , y location to place the window (0,0 top left).

The way I found out my maximum appplication screen size was to run for example..
mozilla, then I moved it to the top left of my screen ie +0+0, then I draged the resize
handles located at the bottom right until the application window (mozilla) was maxed out.

I then made a note of the display size info which pops up automatically while I resize
windows and bingo…I had it..

BUT, if your window manager does not tell you the screen size as you resize a window..
You can simply use xwininfo at a command prompt, you will get a message telling you
Please select the window about which you
would like information by clicking the
mouse in that window.

Click the maximised mozilla window and you will see something like

-geometry 1266x990+0+0

on the last line… and you have it…

You might need to open an xterm or rxvt and “Alt+Tab” to it after you have maximised
your mozilla window.

I used mozilla in this example, as using a terminal based application will not work too well..

If you are unable to maximise the mozilla window, you might as well guess and if that
fails then, you will need to have a look at your window manager settings, as most
window managers allow you to define a maximum window size…

If you still have problems, tell me which window manager you use and I will try and
look it up for you..

Good luck..
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Looks like thomas and I posted at the same time
Disregard this as thomas has listed everything I was referring to in the other post.

As it turns out, you can force houdini to launch at a certain res. or rather specify the pixels of the window size.

See here:
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=4558&highlight=maximize [sidefx.com]

I was using the setup mentioned in that thread but now with our new workstations/servers, I haven't bothered to change my setup and now rather enjoy having a gap on the far right of the houdini interface as I can quickly right click on the desktop and launch a terminal. Yes i'm a terminal monkey

I use FC3 with windowmaker at work.


Edited by - July 14, 2006 11:13:12
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wow.. thanks guys… I'll maybe spend some time installing a fresh Fedora Core 5 then next week… I fear moving from my working (but too much full of… things) FC4… but i found FC5 (xorg 7) and stuffs a bit faster…

also I meesed up my FC4 with gnome 2.12 upgraded from a custom yum repository… that's why i wish to move to FC5 with a clean setup.

cheers and thanks a lot again. I'll let you know.
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another question comes to my mind and google didnt answered…

now that I use -geometry=1600x1200+0+0 … is there an option to disable windows border and titlebar? … XSI starts in that way .. but i dont see anything related to that in the “rc” file…

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