Looping Smoke with gasresizefluiddynamic

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Joined: Nov. 2017
Hi folks,

I just have a short question about looping. I followed the tutorial from Peter Quint on Looping a pyro flame (https://vimeo.com/46910933).
He mentioned to disable the gas resize node, and he was right . Not to do so will lead to strange results.

So I want to know, if there is a an easy way to loop a pyro sim with gas resize turned on or a similar technique.
Without gas resize the average size of one frame is approximately 2 GB; with a lenght of 250 frames, this is unfortunately to much for my single machine.

thanks in advance
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Copy the resizing simulation into a static sized volume. Then you can do the loop on that.
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Joined: Nov. 2017
hey and thanks,
don t know if I get you right here, but will that solve my 2GB per Frame Problem?
Or maybe someone can explain a bit further to avoid misunderstandings, please? Or is there some kind of explanation/tutorial on the net?
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Joined: Jan. 2018
Have you looked into this?

https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/game-tools-make-loop/ [www.sidefx.com]
For my Houdini tutorials and more visit:
https://www.youtube.com/c/RightBrainedTutorials [www.youtube.com]
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98 posts
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well I don't have the Game Development Toolset, but it seems that he is using a static volume in his example.
So i think its just like the tut from Peter Quint, just a bit more straight forward due to the make loop node.
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