use packed rbd sim as "static deforming objects"

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Hi, I have a simple setup :
  • a rigidbody packed object fracture simulation
  • and a separate dopnet in which I want to use the deforming packed fragments as “deforming static objects”; using the RBD Packed Object DOP

see attached file

Of course I set Initial Object Type to ‘Create Deforming Static Objects’
I have tried to override the deforming and/or animated attributes on the geometry, but nothing works: all the fragments remain static.

the only time I can see objects moving is when I use “display Geometry” param and set it to “Render Geometry” ( and pointing to the same SOP ), but of course this not the geometry used during simulation, so it is of no use in that case.

Also , I almost can make it work by adding “P” attribute in the list of overridden attributes, but fragments orientations are wrong, even if I add “orient” attribute in the list( which is present on the geometry) .

Is it supposed to work like that ? or am I getting it wrong ?

Edited by gui2one - May 19, 2018 09:09:38

deforming_static_objects_test.hiplc (277.8 KB) []
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Hi gui2one,

I was just doing my research on RBDs and came across this and thought it might work for your scene.

So i tried it. I changed your static solver to bullet solver and wrangled your previous box from active to animated.
I've tried changing Initial Object Type in the rbdpackedobject node but the active and animated attribute doesn't seem to change. I would like to know how that works if somebody out there knows.

Anyway ,not sure if this is what you're looking for but thought i'll just share it.

deforming_static_objects_test.hiplc (284.6 KB)
active_animated.jpg (185.4 KB)

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First, you cant use the Static Solver for this. You need to use the bullet solver. Then either set active,animated,deforming attributes correctly (you still have those from the previous sim, which is set wrong for the new sim). Or delete those attributes and set the initial object type to “create animated static objects”. Yes you should use animated static in this case, since they are animated and not deforming. Animated is usually a lot faster as well so you should do that whenever you can.
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Thank you so much !
My mistake was to use the static solver indeed.
It works like a charm now []
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