mute layer in vex layered

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i'm using vex layered surface SHOP.
experimenting with 5 layers, all applied to a box using single uvproject.
the question : how to mute/disable some layers? ..seems there's no button to toggle on/off the layer.

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just out of curiosity,

what are your 5 layers doing?

and are you useing the straight up VEX layer shader or building VEX from scratch..

I'f it's a matter of emmittion/text/ambiant layers, i like to just use the supermatte, becsue it can give a fair amout of control.

I did ask and unless obne of te Gurus her knows more which they very well may ,
the only way I or my buddy can think of is to create a custom shader in VOPs

I havea flickering emmitting shader i used on a cone insense , which is just a supermatt with 4“layers” or maybe channels would be a better word..

then the emmitte has a small script added to simulate a glow.
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i'm using vex layered surface SHOP.
experimenting with 5 layers, all applied to a box using single uvproject.
the question : how to mute/disable some layers? ..seems there's no button to toggle on/off the layer.


Yup, the layers don't seem to have on/off or dimmer controls.
So, to disable a layer's influence, you could:
1. Remove the filename, or…
2. Set “Texture Tints” to a component you know to be black {0,0,0}, or…
3. Set “Compositing” to “Add” and the components to black, or…

… some options anyway. None of them elegant, I know, but there you go.

Mario Marengo
Senior Developer at Folks VFX [] in Toronto, Canada.
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well, i'm not creating vex from scratch , just using those in shop library.
5 layers: base layer and the rest just some logos distributed on top of the base layer.
ussually if i want to mute some layers, i have to drag alpha value to 0 for the appropriate layer. so i'm just wondering if there another better way …

sometime i need to mute the layer, in case if i applied these layers to 4 ‘layer nodes’ and 5 ‘uvproject nodes’.
then if i have to go back/up in the hierarchy(tree) , for example go to
second or third uvproject (so the fourth/fifth uvproject/layer node won't be cooked) then i do the render from the current node to test/debug.
the result is those fifth & fourth layers will be allover the surface coz they have no uvproject .
that's why i need to mute the layer.

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