Getting FumeFX look in Houdini Pyro

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Joined: June 2014
Hi Guys,

I don't know if anyone has tried here or not, but I was working on a test where I am running a sim on fast moving object to create fire trail.

The Houdini Pyro is of-course giving a better realistic look, but I want to get the FumeFX look from Houdini Pyro( If you know what I mean..the longer stretched fluidy look, a little magical style)

For that, I am using higher inherit velocity in my emitter and also playing with shredding, but I am not able to get any stretching in the renders. I was getting some when I was testing on lower res but those also disappeared once I went high res.

Can you guys throw some ideas/link/tutorial about getting fumeFX look from Houdini Pyro.

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