How to create a rocket flame effect in houdini 17?

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I want to know how to create a rocket flame effect in houdini 17? i am looking to create this effect as a smoke sim. I want to create the smoke sims in houdini and export them as openvdb files to maya for rendering in redshift. I have very little experience with houdini. I would be very greatful if anybody could help me do this correctly. As i have only worked with presets before.I could use some help in how to use the correct nodes to do this.

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“very little experience with houdini” and this doesn't really go well together. As someone who has been using Houdini now for almost two years, I can tell you that I would still find it challenging to get this type of pyro to look right (let alone get a decent render of it in Redshift).

The best advice that I can give you is to purchase this tutorial series:—volumes-ii?affid=8b23ed114e7729e4d5f55ce80af66eb5b6e64421d2de214709e776e3e3cac6d7be7f4f6935b880d0b78ce6311cc3595317247a0eb2fb89d546148a750621c0c2 []

It's likely going to be the best $40 you spend as Steven Knipping is an incredible instructor and he'll give you a lot of information. This tutorial will not tell you exactly how to achieve what you want to do, but it will set you on the right path so that with time, you'll be able to achieve the results you seek.
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Yeah I have done some explosions by tweaking presets before so I know some of this stuff. I did pull off a decent explosion in Arnold, redshift and Maya so that's not a problem. I just wanna know the node setup to create this.
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I have the gnomon intro to Houdini and cozzi tutorials will those help me out?
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I just wanna know the node setup to create this.

You're probably going to want to set up a POP emitter and network with the appropriate forces and collisions based on your geometry. After you do so, you can use your particles to advect the pyro adjusting to taste based on your desired results.
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any courses i mentioned can help me do the basics? i cannot go beyond the presets alone.
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It's going to be a long journey my friend!
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