Hi guys,
I'm trying to copy stamp a bunch of different object on points created by a particle simulation.
Unfortunatelly the particles dies during the simulation, and this cause a change in the particles number.
The result is a glitchy and randomic change in the object copied on the particles.
I know that probably the solution is the use of the @id attribute, but i can't really figure out how to use it in this situation, inside a copy stamp.
I attached a .hip file explaining my problem.
thanks in advice for any help
@id attribute with copy stamp (point change number during simulation)
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- demonsd_miles17
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- AndyW
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I prefer to set copy stamp attributes on the points/particles themselves and reference that in the copy SOP, it's more controllable and predictable. Also, a lot of the erratic motion you're getting is coming from the transforms you have on your copy geo, but I'm not sure what you're after. The enclosed file is how I would go about it, I hope it's helpful
- demonsd_miles17
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I prefer to set copy stamp attributes on the points/particles themselves and reference that in the copy SOP, it's more controllable and predictable. Also, a lot of the erratic motion you're getting is coming from the transforms you have on your copy geo, but I'm not sure what you're after. The enclosed file is how I would go about it, I hope it's helpful
It works !!!
Thank you so much Andy !
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