In my scene an object comes out of the ocean.
I am trying to use the “guided ocean layer” for that but I have a strange issue while I'm trying to simulate with lower particle separation.
Basically, my flip tank is pretty small (2 by 2) with a boundary layer of 0.25 in any direction.
The issue I am having is a sort of vertical jitter of the water.
In order to try to understand the root of the problem, I went back to an empty scene, created the “guided ocean” from the shelf and updated it with my tank size and the particle separation I need (0.003)
I already tried to have a bigger tank (around 5 by 4) and a slightly thicker layer of water but without a success.
I am loosing my mind here, did any of you had a similar issue?
This is the result I have after 7 frames of sim
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