Simple Male Character and Hair?

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Greetings Hive Minds,

I am new to Houdini and have made some modifications to the Simple Male character provided by SideFX. I am struggling to find the best way to add Hair to the character as I have tried several methods:

  • Grouping scalp polygons and assigning Hair
  • Blasting the Head Geo and exporting/importing as Alembic
  • Adding hair the the entire Geo Object and then using the cut function to keep everything on the head (Example attached)

I would like to just export the hair guides,import them to my scene, and parent to the Head. As a newb I realize I maybe approaching this entirely wrong, any suggestions or guidance is appreciated.

Thank you,


SimpleMale_Mod.jpg (118.6 KB)
SimpleMaie_Hair.png (231.0 KB)

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Can you please upload you scene ?

I would like to just export the hair guides,import them to my scene, and parent to the Head

Using Alembic ? I think you can export the hair then parent it in your main 3D application if I am understanding your question correctly.
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Thanks for the response.

I was able to export the Hair as Alembic by using the process on the following Thread []
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