RbdMaterialfracture- freezes in H18 same file works in H17

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Hey ,im testing the rbdmaterial fracture node but Houdini freezes the second i activate it .
I was originally using the daily build 18.0.306 , it would fracture but then froze once i activated chipping . I switched to build .0311 and it freezes the second i activate the node
(even with chipping off). I tested the same file out in 17.5 and it works fine .

I set the inserted file to manual

Is this just me ?

OS-Linux mint
GPU-AMD rx570 latest driver
threadripper 1950x 64 gb ram

matfraqtest_18.hiplc (522.9 KB)

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There were some OpenCL-related changes [www.sidefx.com] in build 308. The change results in the OpenCL context being initialized earlier (e.g. when creating an instance of an OpenCL SOP) rather than at first cook. Perhaps there are some issues with your drivers?
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I seem to have it working now , in the past i always had to install the pro variant AMD GPU driver for Open cl to work .
I now just have the default Amd driver that comes with linux installed and not only does the material fracture node work now but also the older scenes i would always use to test if i had the pro variant installed properly works. Thats a first for me . So i guess the changes you mentioned is the reason for this ?

So if anyone is having issues with an Amd card like this , maybe try with out the Pro variant driver now .
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