PolyPath - Connect EndPoints

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First time using this polypath node.
But it doesn't seem to actually connect at the endpoints as would be expected.
Max Distance is set high enough.

PolyPath.png (456.9 KB)
PolyPath.hiplc (96.9 KB)

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it looks like, that this node seems to avoid creating extra vertices (if you dive into it, there is a rewire node). If you are creating a new line segment (you are creating a new vertex). The polypath just move the vertices away from their points (to the target (end)points). In the case of joining primitives, it is reducing the vertex count.
Edited by Aizatulin - Feb. 21, 2021 15:16:28
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I believe the main purpose of polypath node is to make one clean polyline(1 primitive) out of many.
To generate new segment between two end points Ends SOP is probably more suitable
Edited by mikhail s - Feb. 21, 2021 20:16:13
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Inside that node you have something that you can Change in Vex. I think
// Need to trace 2 paths if degree is exactly 2//
/ Pick the second-lowest-index point if it isn't an end point.
// (If it's an end point, that end point will be fusing to the current point.)


I use Poly Path for CNC-paths -and combining FUSE(SOMETIMES-POWER of 2 GRIDS) CLEAN-SOP, give best RESULT .
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Thanks for your responses guys. With what I was working on originaly I just set up something in vex which is easy enough.

However there are so many nodes in Houdini I don't typically use and like to look at them occassionaly to see what I can do with nodes alone and not vex.

I was thrown off by the parameter on this node - 'Connect End Points' making me believe it would do what I thought it would. So looking at your responses and then the docs(which I should have done at first) - I see this node differently.

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Yeah, that's from a model I did way back when I had access to SolidWorks.
Worked on the model at it's given size when a company gave me their max 3d print size.
By the time I finished it they changed their specifications and couldn't have it printed. One day I'll redo it in Houdini.

Shri_ScreenShot.png (638.2 KB)

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