HDA Now Available!
Your feedback is precious to develop the better experience possible. More in the next post.
• Create Turntable Setup for Look dev.
• Chrome / Matte Ball Overlay on camera or free stand.
• Rotate Model / Lights / Cameras
• Rotation
- Model, Camera, or Light just by connecting the node to it.
- 360° Rotation based on playbar's frame range.
• Spheres Layout:
- Compact: Chrome / Matte Ball side by side
- Vertical: Chrome / Matte Ball above the other
- Realistic: Chrome / Matte Ball with Stand asset.
• Transform:
- Compact / Vertical: Position left / right, rotation and scale
- Realistic: Transform / Rotation / Scale
• Color Chart: Optional Color chart
• Backplate
- Procedural Backplate
- Created only on-camera frustum, avoiding blocking light.
- Backplate from any angle
• Shading:
- Materials assignment for the asset (balls, chart, stand, and backplate)
Use Cases
• Create quick turntable
• Avoid recreating setup each time
• No need for a dedicated scene.