In order to use karma within blender as a render delegate, you'll need to build karma against the USD library you are using to build the blender plugin. First, make sure that USD version you're building against is 21.08, or you'll have issues. Then go to [] and follow the instructions. If you're on Windows, there will be a bunch of fiddling involved with makefiles and such, but it can be done. You also may need to overwrite some of the binaries that ship with Houdini with the ones you build yourself.
As mentioned above, this is only recommended if you really have to do it, and if you know what you're doing and are comfortable with using cmake, and building and integrating your own tools and libraries. That github repository is provided somewhat "as-is"... We know it can be made to work, but we don't have a lot of resources available for supporting you if you run into difficulties getting it built and running.
Jason's suggestion of using husk is a really good one, IMO. It won't give you in-veiwport interaction in a third party tool, but it might not be that hard to set up some level of automation to make it easy for artists to get karma previews.
Another alternative which might also work would be to build the blender USD plugins against the Houdin iUSD library, instead of trying to build karma against your own USD libraries. But I have no idea how difficult that would be, and you'd want to watch and make sure that this doesn't cause a Houdini-type license to be checked out when you run blender (it shouldn't, but it's something to watch for).