Karma ROP output to network gives zero-byte files

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As the title says - when I write my output files to my local disk, all's well. When I write them to a network drive, I get empty files. I have this problem only with Karma. Mantra, Arnold and Redshift work fine.

Can anyone repro/confirm?

H19.0.383, Windows10

cheers, Jasper

: I just noticed this doesn't happen when writing out jpgs - but it does when writing exrs.
Edited by druitre - Nov. 19, 2021 07:39:57
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I can't repo/confirm, but can you map a drive letter to your network location?
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Hi Enivob,

that is already the case. Weirdly enough, I've found out that when rendering to another network drive - a slightly older one - it works.

Our network guy has checked and says both are running SMB as file sharing protocol. (I'm mentioning this as in another thread there is a discussion about usd not being able to write to SMB networks)
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Bump... this is still having us scratching our heads. Karma is working fine, Deadline is working fine, everything's working fine. But file output as exr gives empty files when rendering to a mapped network drive.
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