segmentation fault when cooking modify point instances

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hello gang, I'm getting a segmentation fault whenever this scene file I have tries to render. I work in a studio with a sequence based workflow and in all other shots modifypointinstances works fine and doesn't cause problems but in two shots I'm constantly getting this segmentation fault.

Does anyone here have any tips to get around this? Currently I am setting the prune to delete but I've also tried hide. I've also just tried moving the instance by X units to get it out of frame but still goes to segmentation fault on the farm. Tried also moving the modifypointinstance nodes higher up the node tree and also vice versa lower down the node tree.

Is there another way I can move or alter an instance rather than through modifypointinstance node?

Thank you.

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Operating System: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Number of Cores: 64
Physical Memory: 125.68 GB

Build platform: linux-x86_64-gcc6.3
Python Version: 2.7
Qt Version: 5.12.6
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Disabling the 'edittransform' parameter seems to push the renders through.

Issue resolved.
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Joined: July 2005
If you can submit the crashing version of the hip file to support, that would be much appreciated. We'd really like to get that bug fixed. Thanks!
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