Simple Questions about Knife,Attribues and Copying

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Hi everybody,

Sorry for asking primitive questions but:

1) How can I add rows or columns to a set of primitives with only one knife SOP? is there another tool to do that (edge divide, divide and subdivide did not help)?

2) How can I use attributes inside of transform SOP?

3) How do I get the number of copies and copy number in vex? it used to be $CY and $NCY in Hscript if I am not wrong.

I did not want to waste space by posting in separate threads. Thanks for your attention.
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1)I've done an asset (divide equally []) for the "SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2021" that seems to be what you ask. It's open asset so you can also learn it and modify as you want.

2) you can use expression inside parameter field like
detail(0,"myAtrribName", 0)
detail doc []

3)Where are you ? inside "copy" sop or inside a "for loop" sop nodes ?
In a "for loop" you can use metadata and then "iteration" attribute
Get a simple hip file so we can better see and make example.

Hope that help
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Thanks a lot julca, quite helpful replies here.

1)Tbh I have never used lab tools and I was looking for a simpler approach. So you are telling me that there is not tool in H which can easily add parallel segments to a polygon? I am coming from an old software where hitting one button was doing it (in horizontal or vertical direction).

2) Thanks a lot.

3) I am not anywhere and I was trying to understand out of curiosity. I do not think I can use $CY/$NCY in vex and I was trying to understand how to replace it.
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You're welcome,

1) Of course, have you seen edge-loops [] ?
3) You can use "iteration" detail attribute or even the "numiterations" in vex or anywhere. cf. more detail ForLoops []
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Oh thank you. edge loop was so useful and I got more than what I had came for.

I still did not get answer no.3 but let me explore and will try to conclude.

Thanks again julca for the help.
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