force render proxy purpose geo

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Im trying to figure out if its possible to switch a component to force render the proxy purpose instead of render while rendering with karma.

The goal is to be able to switch parts of the environment for example to render as purpose proxy when they are in phantom. Escpecially when they are reference instance as in the example below.

Does somebody now if this is possible, or would solve it in another way with creating variants from the proxy puropse or inherits perhaps?

purpose_proxy.png (295.8 KB)
purpose_render.png (339.8 KB)
purpose_scenegraph.png (17.6 KB)
purposes.hip (2.1 MB)

cg supervisor @goodbyekansas
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Variants are probably the easiest way to go if you want to force an asset to a particular representation irrespective of what purposes the renderer is utilizing. Variants mean the user doesn’t need to worry about the details of what prims need to be configured, they can just flip the switch.
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Yes sound like probably the way to go. I wonder if its possible with the component builder to make a variant out of the purposes. The problem now is that we need to do both. One variant setup with the *component geometry variants* node and iniside as purpose. Would be cool if we can get a proxy variant out of the purpose output. Cant really wrap my head how to do that though
cg supervisor @goodbyekansas
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There's a handy node called "component geometry variants" that works in conjunction with the component builder that allows you to plug in multiple component geometries as input and it creates variants automatically. So a second component geometry that just grabs the proxy geo from the first and plugs it into the render geo seems to work ok.
Edited by antc - April 5, 2022 11:55:52

purpose.hipnc (467.1 KB)

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to answer the original question it is definitely possible
since you are in control which prims have which purpose
so for your render pass where your geo is rendered as phantom you can flip proxy/render purposes for those prims for example
Tomas Slancik
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Unfortunately i cant when they are reference instances like in the hip file i included i only have access to the top/component prim which i can attach variants as suggested by antc
cg supervisor @goodbyekansas
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Hello !

Bumping this post because I'm looking to do the same.
I have a setup working with two configure node.
The first configure node edit the proxy primitive to change it's purpose to render.
The seconde configure node edit the original render primitive to change Activation to off.

Is it ok to do that, or is there a better way ?

Thanks !
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