Here is the code which is used to process the remote scene. It is in the preframe script of a ROP. It has worked flawlessly in the past.
import hou import pdg node = hou.node('/obj/ropnet1/topnet1/Partition') print(node) list(map(lambda x: x.dirty(True), node.getPDGGraphContext().graph.nodes())) node.cookWorkItems(block=True, generate_only=True) print(list(map(lambda x: x.workItems, node.getPDGGraphContext().graph.nodes()))) pdgNode = node.getPDGNode() print(pdgNode.workItems) print(f'Starting Renders') pdgNode.context.cookItems(True, [ for wi in pdgNode.workItems if wi.index == hou.frame()], print('PDG Network Cooked')
and here is the expected output. The last few lines are from a python node inside of an HDA built for TOPs.
12:20:48: localscheduler: Local Scheduler: Max Slots=7, Working Dir=D:/workingDir [[<GenericData name='Convert_genericgenerator1_850', id=850 at 0x0000000007b86b00>], [<GenericData name='Convert_switch1_852', id=852 at 0x0000000007b86080>], [<GenericDat a name='Partition_854', id=854 at 0x0000000007b87580>], [<GenericData name='Convert_attributecreate1_851', id=851 at 0x0000000007b84b80>], [<GenericData name='Convert_p ythonprocessor1_853', id=853 at 0x0000000007b84100>], []] [<GenericData name='Partition_854', id=854 at 0x0000000007b87580>] Starting Renders 12:20:58: localscheduler: Local Scheduler: Max Slots=7, Working Dir=D:/workingDir C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.561/bin/iconvert.exe D:/workingDir/test00001.rat Converting D:/workingDir/test00001.png to .rat format PDG Network Cooked
And here is what I get on the remote server:
16:33:48: localscheduler: Local Scheduler: Max Slots=15, Working Dir=/data/input/workingDir/ [[], [], [], [], []] [] Starting Renders 16:33:58: localscheduler: Local Scheduler: Max Slots=15, Working Dir=/data/input/workingDir PDG Network Cooked