why topnet cook time increase as number of complex node? in the topnet ,there is no reference to these complex nodes. as more complex node in hip, topnet cook time increase as that.
for example, as more the heightfield_erode node in the hip , the cook time of topnet increase, that is very strange.
Work items in the ROP Geometry TOP cook out of process -- that process loads the .hip file and cooks the ROP. That means the loading time of the .hip file affects the total cook time of the work item.
The output log for the work item -- which can be found by middle mouse clicking on it -- has a detailed break down of what the work item was doing, at what time.
For example, with no extra nodes in the scene it took ~0.4 seconds:
You can mitigate this by turning on batching on the ROP Geometry, which will cook multiple work items in the same process. Or use services to create long-running processes that load the .hip once, and evaluate multiple tasks on the service process over the course of the graph cook: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/tops/services.html [www.sidefx.com]
additionally to using services consider switching to H19.5
H19.5 has delayed syncing of HDA nodes, so upon loading it will not even try to load their content until the node needs to be cooked so it should be pretty fast to open scenes with tons of complex nodes that are not in a cook path
tamte additionally to using services consider switching to H19.5
H19.5 has delayed syncing of HDA nodes, so upon loading it will not even try to load their content until the node needs to be cooked so it should be pretty fast to open scenes with tons of complex nodes that are not in a cook path
This is an excellent point. I was actually testing with 19.5 for the numbers I posted -- in 19.0 the .hip file takes almost 30 seconds to load for me.