first post here, thank you in advance for you help.
I have a nice vellum grain simulation that I would like to export efficiently to Unreal Engine 5. I have prepared the alembic file and set up an unreal project for me to import it.
It is giving the following error:
"Failed to import '\04.09.22\Bolinches Unreal\'. Failed to create asset '/Game/ABC/Bolinches'.
Please see Output Log for details.
AssetTools: New page: Importing
LogSlate: Window 'Message' being destroyed
Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: Message, text: Failed to import 'E:\Alcaraz Studio\Calendar\04.09.22\Bolinches Unreal\'. Failed to create asset '/Game/ABC/Bolinches'.
Please see Output Log for details.
LogAssetTools: Warning: Failed to import 'E:\Alcaraz Studio\Calendar\04.09.22\Bolinches Unreal\'. Failed to create asset '/Game/ABC/Bolinches'.
Please see Output Log for details."
I cannot find more information about the error.
My intuition (limited) makes me question how does UE know what it need to instance in each point, so I went for an alternative route of cleaning everything, copy to points using spheres and try, but that was impractical as each frame was taking 200mb and UE crashed when importing only 1 frame.
Does anyone know what might the cause and to suggest a solution please? I attach a sample of the alembic in case someone would like to try
Image Not Found
really appreciate the help