Karma Point Light Radius Setting and Attenuation Not Working

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Hello, So i am currently trying to control the fall of on my point light. Following the notes on the Documentation :https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/86051/ [www.sidefx.com]

There should be a point light radius setting that allows me to do this. However this is not visible in the light setting or in Solaris.

I have also tried to use the Attenuation Setting in the Karma tab does not seem to have any effect on the light.

Is this a bug or is there a specific way to have control over a point light, to stop it going infinitely.

I had added a temp scene of my set up.

BaseScene test.hip (426.6 KB)

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The Attenuation controls may be bugged. I logged that one earlier today. Right below those, though, is an Active Radius control that does work and may meet your needs.

Alternately, if you're using Karma CPU, you could use a Light Filter to perform an attenuation. I don't have an example right on hand at the moment, but I can probably come up with one with a little time.
Edited by BryanRay - Oct. 21, 2022 18:15:20

Capture.JPG (310.8 KB)

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That went quicker than I'd expected.

Play with the Inhigh value in mtlxrange1 inside the Light Filter Library.

attenuating-light-filter_v01.hip (490.8 KB)

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Hey thanks for sending that through I will test it out to see if it has the same effect I need. Will with attenuation calculate correctly in a volume with the light filter.

Also is it possible to attach more than one light filter to a point light because I want to be able to have a gobo filter to my light also.
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I couldn't say with regard to the volume. Only way to know would be to test it.

You can definitely connect multiple filters to a single light. The filters will be multiplicative with one another. You'll assign the entire filter library to the light, and any filter that has its orange flag set will be active.

Repeated for emphasis, though: Customized filters constructed from MaterialX nodes will not currently work for Karma XPU. It only supports the three default filters (gel, gobo, barn doors).
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