Is there a way to scale the position of kinefx joints?

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I don't know why the length limit of the title is so strict..

I am learning face rig and trying to "suck joints to their centroid" in kineFX

so simple setup

I have rig character's eye to eye joints.

Now I want to all points to move towards their centroid, or move towards their mean Z-position.
In 3DSMAX you can toggle the "use common centroid" button and then use scale to to pull the vertices together.

But I cannot find a way to do that here. I have to manually move those joints, which is not efficient and of bad quality.

hksetup.png (1.2 MB)
zoomin.png (454.1 KB)

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You will need to set a pivot for each point, the viewport tools for kinefx in 19.5 is not all there yet.
What you can also do and is more common with a eye rig is to have the center of the eye be a root for all your lid joints, then you can simply rotate the joints. This will look better as well as it will roll over the eye.

here is a basic 5min setup where I just use a skeleton blend to drive a blink.
Edited by willh - May 18, 2023 10:47:35

tommy_basic_eye.hiplc (328.3 KB)

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