Pre-Frame Event Callback - Does this exist in some form?

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Hello all,

Is there an event callback for when the frame changes when caching/saving to disk (Pre-Frame)?

I know of the "Pre-Frame" script which executes before each frame is cached, however is there a way to hook in to any "Pre Render" event in the Houdini session so that I don't need to set a "Pre Frame" script on every ROP?

Any ideas welcome, thank you

Screenshot 2024-06-12 161640.png (54.5 KB)

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Joined: June 2008
You can link a script to the frame change of the playbar.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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This doesn't get invoked when Caching to Disk, which is the crux of my issue. The frame isn't actually changed when caching/writing IFDs.
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Joined: Nov. 2006
Unfortunately having global scripts for these render events is a long requested feature.

At this point the "best" you can do it is to use a ROP render callback (hou.RopNode.addRenderEventCallback()). They will work, however you're left with the tediousness of attaching your callback functions to all ROP nodes on hip file load, or on node creation
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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