Particles velocity makes flip solver slow.

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I'm new to Houdini and trying to set up a fluid solver.
I've got a simple geometry that I use as an emitter.
If I use only gravity as a single force, it works ok.
But if I add some custom velocities from normals (see attachment)

float mpl = ch("Velocity_Multiplier");
@v = @N * mpl;

the simulation becomes much slower. The more velocity I add - the slower is the simulation. And at the same time there is less particles in the simulation.
There are no abnormally high velocities in the simulation. See the second screenshot - on the left the fastest velocities with gravity only, and on the right - with added initial velocities on the same frame number.

I'd like to understand - is it the normal behaviour for flip solver to become much slower with the greater velocities of the particles, or am I doing something wrong?


velocities.png (4.2 MB)
velocities2.png (219.4 KB)

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