How to automate rendering multiple cameras in Karma

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Hi everyone,

I have a set of cameras in my Solaris scene, and I'm trying to figure out how to automate rendering from each of them. I think 'render products' might be what I'm after, but wanted to see if anyone had found a good resource on how to set them up in a straightforward way.

Let's say you have a basic LOPs chain with a Sphere->A light->Camera A->Camera B->Render Settings-> ???

And the goal is to be able to hit render, and come back and have an image output for Camera A and Camera B. Currently I'm manually selecting the camera, and babysitting the process.

Thanks for any insights!


Figured I'd share what I learn as I go, since there aren't any responses here and perhaps this is a topic that's somewhat obscure. First possible approach is this Switch node based setup from Varo Castaneda. Basically switching the cameras using a frame-based Edit Context Options node.
Edited by dreamwieber - Jan. 1, 2025 13:13:25
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you can use ROPNetwork node.

now you have 2 cameras, so you need 2 USDRenderRop after the karmarendersettings.
I recommend to check the MplayMonitor in the USDRenderROP node's Husk/Montior tab.

Select the first, go to the Output tab, and in the very bottom you can see the "Context Options"

Option Name: renderPass (use whatever you want)
Option type: Number (only for this example, can be string)
Option Value: 1

Select the second, do the same, but the value must be 2

In this case your cameras must be named Camera1 and Camera2.

In karmarendersettings the camera field is: /cameras/camera`@renderPass`

Add a RopNetwork.
double click go inside
Add a Fetch node and for source set the first USDRenderROP
Add a second Fetch node and for source set the second USDRenderRop
merge the two fetches

go one level up
while the ropnet node is selected, press the render button in the parameters
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multicamera_render.hiplc (706.8 KB)

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Here's a video demonstration:
Edited by eikonoklastes - Jan. 6, 2025 06:56:22
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