FX for Games

Start off with several lessons by Andreas Glad covering a number of important Houdini for Games topics. Then dive into Luiz' Big List of Games Tutorials to explore a wealth of talks and tutorials covering how Houdini is used to make games.


5 Tutorials 2:32:18

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CurveSweeper // Intro to Houdini Engine // Houdini for Games
In this one, you will learn how to create a mesh that is known by many names like, swooshes, soulercoasters, trailmeshes. In the tutorial, we'll build a tool (digital asset) that allows us to generate these meshes inside of Unreal Engine 4. If you're interested in trying Houdini Engine, this is a good starting point. I'll take you from an empty Houdini scene, to a finished mesh with an animated material with a whole load of awesome controls!
Cloudscape! // Houdini for Games
This video is going to show how to create a cloudscape for Unreal Engine 4 using a skyrig that we're going to make in Houdini, then convert it to a mesh and use it as a spawn surface in Unreal. We're also going to look at how to create some basic textures for this effect. Scene files are included for download!
SplashMesh! // Houdini for Games
Create a nice and thick mudsplash in Unreal Engine 4, using a FLIP tank in Houdini. Literally go from an empty scene, set up your FLIP tank, throw a rock down (it's really just a deformed sphere) and then reduce it to the barebones shape and export that single frame of geo into unreal. After that, load it into UE4, apply material on it and then using a particle system, bring in the splash mesh and tweak it till it looks good! Now that you have the setup for this, you can freely and easily make multiple versions of the splash for your game by making some tweaks in Houdini.
Flowmaps! // Houdini for Games
Learn how to create a flowmap using the new Flow Map tools in Houdini. You will see how control the flowmap velocities by using terrain geometry, a curve, and also how to manually comb it if you wish for more specific control. Then export the mesh geo, bake out the flowmap, and assemble your riverbed in Unreal Engine.
VAT Paintsplat! // Houdini for Games
In this tutorial, I'll show how to create a Paintsplat projectile in Unreal Engine 4. I'll take you through the creation of Vertex Animation Texture splashes as well as creating a decal based on baking a FLIP splat. We will start with an empty Houdini scene and finish with a paintlaunching gun in engine!

Category: Digital Assets, Interface