Tools for Digital Artists
SideFX Labs is a testing ground for over 230 tools designed to help you get up and running quicker. The SideFX Labs tools wrap up and release common workflows and create tight integrations with software you use everyday. The tools are developed outside the regular Houdini development cycle which makes them more accessible for testing and feedback.

Houdini is known for its strong FX tools and SideFX Labs has tools to process the results for use in a realtime environment for games or virtual production. Labs has a range of tools to help optimise and export your sims to textures, fbx, csv, etc.
SideFX Labs Public Roadmap is a place where you can check out the released, planned, or proposed tools from the Labs team and the community contributors. You can vote and comment on individual tools, informing us how important a tool is for you.
There is also a button for you to submit new feature ideas that we have not thought of yet.
One piece of software can't meet all the challenges you face in a day. Houdini can be the backbone to your pipeline, allowing other packages to send and receive assets to streamline your pipeline. SideFX Labs provides integrations that include support for photogrammetry, lookdev, texture generation and more.

Stay node-based and procedural for more of your process. The Substance plugin creates a tight relationship between texture generation and Houdini's powerful procedural tools for modelling.
SEA OF THIEVES | Valentine Kozin gives a comprehensive look at the adoption of Houdini by Tech Art while working on Sea of Thieves." Although we only began to learn and apply Houdini mid-way through production, it proved an invaluable tool in the Tech Art toolbelt. This talk explores the deepening link in our workflow between shader development and Houdini tooling with detailed breakdowns of specific use-cases, including lightning strikes, kraken tentacles, vomit and clouds."
CANDY CRUSH | We connect with Peter Ridgway, Global CG Supervisor, and Miguel Mendez, Technical Artist, on how KING has developed a global platform of modular tools that enables artists to develop 3D environments for any KING game. Using Houdini Engine, they can build and deploy Houdini tools to target apps such as Maya, 3ds Max, Unity, and their own proprietary engines - so that artists can use Houdini procedural technology in the software they already know how to use.
MORTAL KOMBAT | Dive into the techniques and production lessons learned during the development of Mortal Kombat 11 with Houdini. We will focus on our geometry cache pipeline which allowed us to leverage Houdini’s fluid simulation tools to drive our unique cinematic blood effects. As a studio new to Houdini, we will give a behind the scenes look at some of our assets and share a little bit of the wisdom we’ve gained while ramping up on Houdini over a two year development cycle.