For VFX artists, Houdini 20.5 continues to enhance Houdini's already comprehensive suite of effects tools.  The powerful new MPM solver is perfect for creating material-based simulations. 


The MPM Solver lets you simulate materials such as snow, soil, mud, concrete, metal, jello, rubber and water – and can be used for destruction shots.

Car Rig

The RBD Car Rig converts car geometry into a driveable dynamic rig with constraints for suspension and motors. It has four built-in wheel layouts. 

Vellum Fluids

The Vellum Solver now supports VDB collisions created by the VDB Colliders SOP and there is a new Minimal mode on the Vellum Solver.


The Material Point Method / MPM solver extends the FLIP Solver to solid mechanics. It allows the simulation of multiple materials such as snow, soil, mud, concrete, metal, jello, rubber, water, honey, and sand. The implementation is based on OpenCL to leverage the powerful GPUs present in most machines. The background grid uses NanoVDB, which is sparse by default.

MPM Workflow

Learn how easy it is to set up an MPM simulation using material presets and recipes.


MPM is great for mixing the physical qualities of materials such as water and sand.


MPM works well for the simulation of grains.


One of the areas where MPM excels is the simulation of snow. Whether you are bringing down a mountain or plowing the streets, MPM can create the right look for your snow simulations. You can also simulate ice cream which is fun.


MPM captures all the material qualities of the avalanche.

Snow Plow

There is lots of great detail in this simulation of a plow compressing the snow.

Snow Bursts

In this simulation, you can see the chunks of snow that then turn to powder.

Ice Cream

MPM can also capture the material qualities of ice cream being scooped into a bowl.


Here are some MPM simulations that involve cars where the tires move through water and mud and also the crashing of a car against a wall. MPM is a multi-physics solver that can account for all of these material interactions and get you the look you need for your shot.


Simulate mud and water at the same time for dramatic effect.

Spinning Tire

Explore the node network that created the spinning tire effect.

Car Crash

MPM can also be used to create this car crushing against a wall.

MPM Destruction FX

Creating destruction shots using MPM involves setting up the right materials then letting the solver do the rest of the work. Destruction shots using RBD generally require that you manage the relationships between materials, but MPM works more naturally. Materials often start solid then break into chunks then become powder-like. 


Set up custom forces inside the solver to drive your sim.


Assign materials to parts of your model and they react properly.

Smashing Fruit

The outer skin and the inner part of the fruit react naturally.


MPM can handle more complex setups such as this space debris.

RBD Car Rig

The new RBD Car Rig converts car geometry into a driveable dynamic car rig with constraints for the suspension and motors. It is adaptable to any input geometry, and has four built-in wheel layouts.

Car Rig

New RBD Car Follow Path SOP lets you animate a RBD Car Rig along a path while adjusting the constraint geometry’s attributes to match its intended steering and speed. 


The wheel and suspension properties can be set globally, per axle, or on individual wheels. You also have the ability to tune wheel camber, tire friction and bounciness, suspension travel, stiffness, and damping.

Vellum Fluids

The Vellum Solver now supports VDB collisions created by the VDB Colliders SOP, similar to the MPM Solver. There is a new Minimal mode on the Vellum Solver that supports VDB collisions with a limited feature set, but is faster and well suited for grain and fluid simulations.


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