Luis D. Velez
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houdini engine Unreal (hengine_noswap) option April 11, 2023, 4:36 p.m.
Vector3 parameters (Integer or Float) are also automatically identified and displayed using Unreal's XYZ coordinates, but other parameter types won't. This means that a single "Y Position" parameter exposed in Houdini will actually control the Z position in Unreal's coordinate system. You may choose to prevent a Vector3 parameter from automatically switching its Y and Z axis when displayed in Unreal by setting the hengine_noswap tag to 1 on the parameter.
hengine_noswap Float (tuple3) Indicates that the Vector3 Y and Z values should not be swapped in Unreal.
how can unable houdini engine to auto swap axis. i found information how to do it but no work for me. if someone have information to how control the hengine_noswap to get the HDA exact like in houdino without swaping y for z. please help
hengine_noswap Float (tuple3) Indicates that the Vector3 Y and Z values should not be swapped in Unreal.
how can unable houdini engine to auto swap axis. i found information how to do it but no work for me. if someone have information to how control the hengine_noswap to get the HDA exact like in houdino without swaping y for z. please help