Dmitriy Zub


About Me

Generalist. Transforming still images to 3D animation 🔮


Kiev, Ukraine

Houdini Skills

Procedural Modeling  | Environments  | Digital Assets  | Cloth  | Solaris  | Karma  | Lighting  | Pyro FX  | Destruction FX  | PDG  | Python
Character Rigging  | Motion Editing  | Animation  | Hair & Fur  | Crowds  | Muscles  | Fluids  | Realtime FX  | VEX


Not Specified

My Tutorials

obj-image Intermediate
Interactive False Color with COPs
obj-image Intermediate
Import Animated FBX Camera with Proper Transforms
obj-image Intermediate
Modify Specific Material from a Multivariant USD Asset
obj-image Intermediate
Remesh Geo for Simulation with Constant Point Count
obj-image Intermediate
Solaris Camera Switcher with HScript
obj-image Intermediate
Scatter Rocks around Rocks using Masks

Recent Forum Posts

Will Karma XPU support mixing more than two MtlX materials? March 15, 2025, 11:35 a.m.

How you display this performance monitor you are using ?

OpenCL Neighbor Search on Ampere Oct. 17, 2024, 2:17 a.m.

Just for someone from the future googling a similar thing...

If using Vellum Configure Grains:
1. Change "method" param to "regular grid" (will make spheres uniform scale)
2. play around with "particle size" & "packing density" params until spheres closely represent your sim geo.

Sweep with expression controlled scale Oct. 12, 2024, 7:41 a.m.

i'm tryng to add a pscale on the backbone with a point wrangle, but nothing happend

Try to add backticks `@pscale`
However, you'll get a warning Local variable 'pscale' not found. I guess it's because Sweep SOP doesn't support local variables?

To fix this warning, use detail(opinputpath('.', 0), 'pscale', 0)or a short version: detail(0, 'pscale', 0).

This detail()expression will access incoming attributes from the upstream node(s).