Christopher Rutledge


About Me

I create character-based cg art and short films in Houdini. Ask me about making floppy characters!


Los Angeles, United States

Houdini Skills

Procedural Modeling  | Character Rigging  | Motion Editing  | Animation  | Hair & Fur  | Cloth  | Solaris  | Karma  | Lighting  | Fluids
Environments  | Digital Assets  | Pyro FX  | PDG  | VEX
Destruction FX


I am available for Freelance Work

My Tutorials

obj-image Intermediate
obj-image Intermediate
Creating a Mega Character
obj-image Intermediate
How VELLUM Works | Animating Attributes & Useful Tricks
obj-image Beginner
How VELLUM Works | Production Tricks

My Talks

obj-image HIVE
Avoiding a Crash Landing | Finishing Turbulence

Recent Forum Posts

Visualizing MaterialX VOP's July 22, 2024, 3:30 p.m.

was talking to paul esteves and he realized that it works only if its connected through the surface shader but not otherwise... so maybe this would be a nice thing to change? its kind of awkward to test stuff that isnt plugged in. can do an rfe.

Visualizing MaterialX VOP's July 22, 2024, 3:25 p.m.

im still confused about this, it seems to work differently than the unlit shader. would be great if this worked consistently. anyone know whats going on here?

is there documentation on this feature? having a hard time finding it, seems like this should be easier to understand...

Karma CPU and XPU similar render time? July 17, 2024, 10:36 a.m.

Are you sure the machines are actually using the gpu? We had cases where we rendered with xpu and the Gpu would fail. We also had cases where the cpu and gpu had very weird load. It would go up to 100% load for 2 seconds just to drop to almost nothing for 6 seconds, go back up, etc… i recommend checking the taskmanager (or similar on linux) to see how the load on the cpu/gpu is during those slow xpu renders. To be fair, our problems seems to be related to rendering highres image which xpu which it seems to have problems with (I still need to RFE that)

Yep I checked and the GPUs seemed to be fully active for the whole time