Ciro Cardoso
About Me
Lead Environment\LookDev Artist at Axis Studios || Gnomon Instructor || Autodesk Speaker || Self-taught artist, author, and part-time ninja 🥷 ||
United Kingdom
Houdini Skills
Procedural Modeling
Digital Assets | Cloth | Solaris | Mantra | Karma | Lighting | Python
I am available for Full Time Work
Recent Forum Posts
OSL Object Space not working Nov. 8, 2022, 3:50 a.m.
Arnold. Seems like a bug to me. After some testing and more testing, I think there is an issue with the scale. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I reported to the Arnold team as I am not sure if this is an issue from Houdini or Arnold.
OSL Object Space not working Nov. 7, 2022, 1:04 p.m.
Hello everyone,
I am trying to make an OSL to work in Object Space instead of Screen Space or raster. The code looks like this
Although this code works well in 3ds Max for example, for some reason in Houdini doesn't work at all. My OSL knowledge is quite limited, so I am not sure how I could fix this. Any suggestions or ideas?
I am trying to make an OSL to work in Object Space instead of Screen Space or raster. The code looks like this
shader GetObjSpace ( point Input = P, output point UVW = 0.0 ) { UVW = transform("object", Input); }
Although this code works well in 3ds Max for example, for some reason in Houdini doesn't work at all. My OSL knowledge is quite limited, so I am not sure how I could fix this. Any suggestions or ideas?
Import Alembic - Unpack and Convert not working Aug. 21, 2019, 5:22 a.m.
Ok, I got it. The Volume Division Size was too small for that plane.