Danny McGrath

Danny McGrath

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Applying Normal Maps (texture) in Material X... July 30, 2024, 11:46 a.m.

What about 'Hextiled Texture' and 'Hextiled Triplanar' nodes? They can both output color and normals.

Indeed, they seem to work ok in my tests, but they add a lot more blurred areas, and only work ok with very organic textures. Anything like a stone wall texture, which will look fine on a tri-planar projection, will break on Hex.

It looks like there's no blending at all on the normal channel. The other channels blend, but the blend slider in the normal node does nothing. The sharp seam is always there no matter what the setting is.

Applying Normal Maps (texture) in Material X... July 30, 2024, 6:44 a.m.

Hi! Just wanted to chime in and say, I was hoping to move to Karma, but the lack of a proper tri-planar workflow is probably the main reason holding me back.

I hope the developers take note, for anyone in an industry like motion graphics, where speed is essential, I'm pretty sure that not having this feature is a huge deal.

What about 'Hextiled Texture' and 'Hextiled Triplanar' nodes? They can both output color and normals.

I'm not sure whether the normals are correctly oriented when used. If there are no bugs, it should work out of the box.

For Redshift, there are some OSL scripts for triplanar mapping, but Karma doesn't support OSL for now.

Yes, you're right, I've just checked it and the Hex triplanar seems to work fine with normals. You can just set the input to 'normals' instead of the usual Vector 3.

MatX Furnace Test July 22, 2024, 12:41 p.m.

The result using the Schlick BSDF - diffuse/spec/metal + normal map

This result is better than MatX Standard Surface, but still quite a way off the Octane Universal Material.