Feike Postmes
About Me
Feike is always eager to help, but getting a good idea of the different solutions first. As a graduate of IGAD (International Games Architecture & Design) in The Netherlands with half a decade of experience with Houdini, he currently enforces building techniques using procedural design. He loves tea... more
Feike is always eager to help, but getting a good idea of the different solutions first. As a graduate of IGAD (International Games Architecture & Design) in The Netherlands with half a decade of experience with Houdini, he currently enforces building techniques using procedural design. He loves teaching and exploring problems from both the artistic as the math-driven side of things to get to the desired results. Teaming up with Ivo he co-founded Dokai, and is loving everything there is about sharing environmental design for games, in a procedural way. less
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Recent Forum Posts
APEX for Foliage Generation Oct. 11, 2024, 10:16 a.m.
We have made a lot of progress! The tools are feeling amazing to play with. Have a look at this tree, no animation was added, this is just a simulation made with the toolset
below an image of the apex graph generating the tree
below an image of the apex graph generating the tree
APEX for Foliage Generation Jan. 8, 2024, 6:30 a.m.
Hey there! Here is a little background on this project:
I used to work on Project Pegasus, where I worked on foliage tooling with George and Tilman. At that time we thought about using APEX for the foliage tooling, but decided not to look into it. Now that I have some free time, I have immersed myself in the world of APEX and I absolutely love it!
For those who are not familiar with APEX (as I was and probably still am), APEX stands for 'All-Purpose EXecution'. What you can do with it is vaguely similar to PDG in that you can design the operation you want to be done in advance. This is where the delayed evaluation of APEX comes into play, which is currently best documented for APEX rigging. When we talk about an operation here, you can imagine that a polyextrude is an operation as well as using a merge SOP. I have not touched the rigging side yet. I think APEX is capable of much more and can be used in many other areas, for example foliage generation!
Above you can see how these nodes generate an APEX nodegraph
Here you can see how the APEX graph looks like after it goes into the "solver" and the final operations get appended
A bit more context: 1 node adds 1 operation to the APEX graph