Gregg Stankowski
Gregg Stankowski
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Transition Graph dosen't load in SIm May 21, 2024, 3:57 p.m.
Hello all, I have a crowds agent set up with many clips, everything is set up in the agent transition graph and works perfectly when tested in the test_sim Crowds transiton node. As soon as I apply in the dop net, my transition chain seam to be skip or really fast and dosen't reflect what I have in the testsim_crowdtransition node. I did check the Use transition node in the crwod transition node and everything is loaded properly in the crowd object
any help would be really appreciate. Thx
any help would be really appreciate. Thx
Crowds SIM USD and texture UV Jan. 22, 2024, 4 p.m.
Hello All! I'm currently working with a USD file of a animal Rig that I received from another studio, I was able to pretty much do everything in terme of crowds, transition etc !
But I Can't render with the UV that is in this USD file! I did try the LOP using KARMA and no succes ( might be my lack of knowledge) I also try in SOP with matyerials overides but so far nothing ! Any input will be appreciate
What I found so far is that I lost all of my UV on the caracter and the texture is applied to every poly !
First image is the Animal with the texture
Second is the render from Mantra in SOP
Thanks for your help !
But I Can't render with the UV that is in this USD file! I did try the LOP using KARMA and no succes ( might be my lack of knowledge) I also try in SOP with matyerials overides but so far nothing ! Any input will be appreciate
What I found so far is that I lost all of my UV on the caracter and the texture is applied to every poly !
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First image is the Animal with the texture
Second is the render from Mantra in SOP
Thanks for your help !