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H16, Linux and Nvidia drivers Feb. 25, 2017, 10:47 a.m.

Same here but, at least in my case, performances are terrible: a simple grid with 800*800 divisions is sufficient to “knock out” the view port.
I have tested the two builds (regular and Qt4) on Mint 18 and Centos 6.8 with the same results.
Waiting for new builds I stay with Houdini 15.5

new polyextrude node Nov. 27, 2015, 9:15 a.m.

Hi to All,
I'm having trouble whit the new polyextrude node.
With the old one I could simply get a result like this (see attachment) using the following technics:

1) create one (or more) normalized prims attribute.
2) manage the attribute value with spline ramp.
3) use the resulting value in a polyextrude node as scale or inset multiplier.

Whit the new one this technics doesn't work anymore.

I have found this topic https://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=41944 [sidefx.com] that talk about this, but the reported solution doesn't work in my case: the “localzscale” attribute works only with “individual element” extrusion mode, and that is not what i want.

Is theres a way to get the same result with the new poly extrude node?
It would be possible to get back the old poly extrude alongside the new one (this is for Sesi)?

Thanks in advance