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H5 on Linux, claims 4.X server on our 5 SGI server Aug. 15, 2002, 9:29 a.m.
Hope someone has come across this and sussed it out!
I'm trying to get the Houdini 5 Apprentice Edition working and
am having problems with the licensing.
The workstation is a linux 7.2 box and the server is an SGI running 6.5.5m Irix
On the SGI, running
sesictl -v
sesinetd: Version 5.5.3
So the server that's running there (and I did kill of fthe old server daemons from 4.X)
is the v5.5.3 license server, no doubt about it.
However, :evil: , when I run “houdini” on the linux box it fails to find a license server
with a license and spawns hkey (and some hserver processes). hkey makes the
following claims:
License server version: 4.X or older
The license server does not allow license modifications from this machine.
So hkey on the linux workstation thinks that the server on the SGI is older than it
actually is and so won't play nicely…If I stop the license server, hkey on the linux
box does indeed detect that its not there.
Should there be a problem with the linux software speaking to the SGI license server?
Any ideas?
I'm trying to get the Houdini 5 Apprentice Edition working and
am having problems with the licensing.
The workstation is a linux 7.2 box and the server is an SGI running 6.5.5m Irix
On the SGI, running
sesictl -v
sesinetd: Version 5.5.3
So the server that's running there (and I did kill of fthe old server daemons from 4.X)
is the v5.5.3 license server, no doubt about it.
However, :evil: , when I run “houdini” on the linux box it fails to find a license server
with a license and spawns hkey (and some hserver processes). hkey makes the
following claims:
License server version: 4.X or older
The license server does not allow license modifications from this machine.
So hkey on the linux workstation thinks that the server on the SGI is older than it
actually is and so won't play nicely…If I stop the license server, hkey on the linux
box does indeed detect that its not there.
Should there be a problem with the linux software speaking to the SGI license server?
Any ideas?