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Next Limit to officially support Real Flow/Houdini SOPs July 27, 2009, 12:26 p.m.

First of all, on behalf of Victor Gonzalez and the Next Limit Team, we would like to thank Mark for his collaboration. As Mark states, we have decided to take on the development of the Houdini plugin ourselves as of this time. We hope to provide Houdini users with the best possible interaction between Houdini and RealFlow, and of course appreciate Mark's helpful suggestion above.

We should clarify however that we have at no point committed to providing this plugin as open source, or maintaining the source code repository. We may consider this as a route to go down at some point in the future; however, we have no immediate plans to do so. Currently, our main focus is simply to provide the best possible plugin for Houdini users, and to ensure that we meet the needs of our customers. Like all our other plugins for RealFlow, the Houdini plugin will remain free of charge for RealFlow license holders.

An additional note: the correct email address to use to contact us on technical issues is techdesk at nextlimit dot com. Alternatively, for general queries, please write to us at salesdesk at nextlimit dot com.

Best regards,

The Next Limit Team