Dominic Tiedeken


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Karma - Mplay Render Region Oct. 6, 2024, 5:20 a.m.

Thanks Rob! Would be great to add this function, since rendering inside the interactive viewport is creeping up memory on Windows. Rendering to mplay to outsource the task to a husk command line is way more efficient.
Thanks for considering this function cheers!

Karma - Mplay Render Region Oct. 4, 2024, 6:25 a.m.


I feel a bit ridiculous to ask this but how do we get a render region when rendering to mplay?

I think the tool being used to render regions in the interactive viewport should transfer.

I currently work in 20.0.590

Wedge simulations - one by one (proper way?) April 4, 2024, 7:16 a.m.

If anyone finds this post and is looking for an answer, this did the trick:

Currently I am using a schedule override and locate it to a custom localscheduler which has Limit Jobs set to 1. This seems to work but I wonder if this is the proper way.

the cpu usage spikes seems to be a normal condition.