Rune Månsson

Rune Holst Maansson

About Me



New York, United States

Houdini Skills


I am currently employed at Preymaker

Recent Forum Posts

Houdini Preview Procedural OpenCL error Aug. 8, 2024, 5:20 p.m.

Hey Kai

Thank you so much for the quick replies. Switching to the OpenCL CPU driver did the trick. It's not as fast, but at least It works every time.

We tried updating to the latest Nvidia Drivers and that didn't solve the issue. But it's weird that it seems to be sporadic.

Some days there's no problems, then the next day, without any changes, the same scene will not render.

Hopefully H20.5 will have many of these issues solved when we switch after this project.

Thank you again for the replies!

Houdini Preview Procedural OpenCL error Aug. 6, 2024, 7:54 p.m.

Hey folks, we're using the feather procedural and the preview procedurals node in Solaris to render some feathers, and it's been working really well until now.

Since this morning I've been getting this OpenCL error:

Error: OpenCL Exception:
clBuildProgram (-9999)

Nothing changed since yesterday and the OpenCL error just spontaneously appears preventing me from doing any work locally, it still works on the farm.

Our graphics cards are Nvidia A10 with 24GB of video memory.

Is there a place in Houdini I need to increase a GPU Memory Limit or the like?

We've tried removing the Houdini Preferences and My user preferences and ultimately we tried creating a new Home directory (we work on Rocky Linux 8) and we also tried assigning me a fresh machine with the same specs to see if it was any corrupted caches or broken hardware, but none of it worked reliably. The error keeps returning.

None of the geometry or HIP setup changed since yesterday, and it's been working until today.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Feather Blending with Feather Atlas July 26, 2024, 2:02 p.m.

Hi guys, hope you can help us with this challenge.

So we are using the H20 Feather System to create a duck. And we would like to use textures sampled from a Feather Atlas texture.

Each feather is correctly picking up the UV's sampled from the atlas and they also render correctly with a shader that uses the atlas as the color texture.

The issue starts to arise when we want to blend feather together.

We are using the templatenames and templateweights array method to paint in regions where certain feathers need to go and then blend the transitions by just blurring the weights. The color data on the barbs is correctly displaying this blending.

Now applying the same shader we used on the single feathers to the full feather groom we get incorrect color blending results.

I'm assuming we are missing something in the shader to take the template weights, but I'm not sure what. Right now feathers in the blended zones get either the first feather texture or the second feather texture applied, but there's not soft transition from one to the other. Using "Interpolate UVs" on the Feather Interpolate node doesn't seem to help either.

Any ideas what we might be missing? We're using LOPS, The Houdini Feather Procedural and Arnold.

Rendering with the barb point colors works, but it's not high enough resolution for what we need and increasing the point count / barb segments would be detrimental to overall performance.

Any suggestions are appreciated.