Tobias Steiner
Tobias Steiner
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HDA - Redshift Asset Setup Nov. 16, 2021, 11:27 a.m.
Hey folks. Just sharing an HDA I made to make the process of setting up an asset in a scene for Redshift a little easier. Quality of life type thing. It's basic but it saves a great deal of time when setting up new scenes.
- Right click and "allow editing of contents" to use it properly.
- Notes inside explain usage.
Fixing topology on deforming mesh from fluid sim Nov. 7, 2021, 2:40 p.m.
I'd like to bump this post. I am seeking a solution to the same problem. Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
H19 Flipbook Slow Performance Nov. 4, 2021, 8:24 a.m.
Hey folks.
I noticed in the current production build that generating a flipbook is incredibly slow compared to earlier versions. I did a simple animation that plays just fine in real time on the timeline. When I invoked the flipbook it was taking more than a second per frame.
One object. Smooth wired shaded. Default head lamp. Low poly.
Anyone else having this issue?
I noticed in the current production build that generating a flipbook is incredibly slow compared to earlier versions. I did a simple animation that plays just fine in real time on the timeline. When I invoked the flipbook it was taking more than a second per frame.
One object. Smooth wired shaded. Default head lamp. Low poly.
Anyone else having this issue?