Zoltán Erdőkövy


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Budapest, Hungary

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Is somewhere an Houdini plugin update for unreal 5.4? June 6, 2024, 1:01 p.m.

We purposefully removed the 5.4 plugin from the production build - Epic broke a ton of things with 5.4 - and we didn't want to ship a production build with an untested version of the plugin.

What sort of things did they break? Is it possible to tell what sort of problems I should expect from HE in UE5.4?
5.4 fixes game-breaking bugs for us so we _really_ want to upgrade but a broken asset creation pipeline would also put us in quite a pickle so I'd like to get a sense of the risks.

Messy UCX collision output Dec. 22, 2023, 2:53 a.m.

Changing the group names from "collision_geo_simple_ucx0", "collision_geo_simple_ucx1" and so on to "collision_geo_simple_0", "collision_geo_simple_1, etc didn't help.

Is there an example HDA that demonstrably produces proper collisions? A 100% certified reference would help a lot.

Messy UCX collision output Dec. 21, 2023, 10:47 a.m.

So an HDA gets the mesh data from Unreal 5.3, including collision. In Houdini 20 I separate the collision prims from the rest, process the rest then merge the collision prims back before the output node. When the mesh arrives back to Unreal it does have colliders but they are a bunch of unrecognizable triangles stretched to infinity.

As a debug step I instantly passed the input data to the output and the result is the same. The incoming mesh has proper UCX collisions.