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Probably a stupid question - Displaying a cloth DOP Network May 9, 2006, 2:01 p.m.

I have a table geometry object.
In that I have a box and 4 tubes that make the table.
I also have a grid (set to a mesh) to use as a cloth.

In this geometry network I added a DOP network

In the DOP network I have a cloth object that takes the grid as it's SOP path,
and RBD objects using each of the table elements as SOP paths.

Connected to this is a gravity object, and clothsolver to run the simulation. The simulation runs, but I have no idea how to make it appear in the geometry or in the object view or mantra. But maybe I've got things by completly the wrong end of the stick here.

I've attached the file I'm working on, the relevant geo object is “table”
- ignore the robot object that for some unexplainable reason distorts every time you move it. edit: which has now been fixed anyway

Everything is getting a bit last minute rush to make a deadline, thanks to another project that overran by a month :s

Probably a stupid question - Displaying a cloth DOP Network May 9, 2006, 10:39 a.m.

I have created a table using normal geometry. Then a grid that sits just above it and drops down to sit as a table cloth for use in a scene.

I have a DOP network, which references the table to use as a RBD object, and uses the grid for the cloth and after some tweaking I can run it in the DOPs Mode.

But for the life of me I can work out how to have that display in the geometry or objecvt mode :s

Any help would be gratefully recieved.

Crashing with segmentation faults March 24, 2006, 10:35 a.m.

Phew, Houdini is like playing chess. The better you get, the more often you win. It takes lots of practice.
I just Hope I get that much practice

Just had a look at the file - lots of stuff for me to play with and learn how to use there - never used a blast fuse or blend before so I need to spend some time and learn what they do. I think I can work out what fuse does, blast I can see what it does (although I need to go and learn how to select what it operates on etc) but blend I don't have a clue what it does, so I'll need to have a play.

Lots for me to go away and learn

Also after playing around with the example it's only if I bypass both fuse1 and xform1 that it seg faults. Either one of those and it doesn't happen.

Found another set of graphics drivers (omega) and will try that and the daily build and see if that stops it seg faulting.
