Alejandro Rafael Martinez Chacin


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VFX Artist



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Recent Forum Posts

Houdini To 3dsmax (FBX): User Defined Properties Nov. 22, 2016, 4:43 p.m.

Hi all, just got up and running on Houdini
Would like to know: is it possible to have the concept of “User Defined Properties” (KFBXproperty in the SDK) exported from Houdini when using FBX files? Using maybe Detail level attributes?
Using multiple UVs already adds some of those in the user defined properties panel when importing an FBX file, however, what about putting custom strings on the object?
(See attached image).

Would like to add specifically a KeyValue of: “Shatter=true”


How to set pitvot center a group of primitive July 6, 2016, 4:50 p.m.

Do you guys know if the $GCX-Y-Z uses the area of the faces?
I'm having a hard time trying to redo a script from max with SOPs.

- Geometry with a fuse SOP to make each point unique.
- Apply a primitive SOP to do a transformation and scale to zero. This will give a clump of points at the center of each primitive.
- Do assemble SOP, forEach loop then apply a transform SOP of the same previous geometry, transform SOP allows for using both $CEX or $GCX expressions pivots. Scale to zero. The outcome is not the same as the previous case.

The reason for using the area is because points shared between big triangles should contribute more to the average position compared to lots of tiny triangles.