Ivan Semchuk
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Poly extruding a line. (Yes you read it right) Jan. 20, 2021, 3:40 a.m.
AizatulinThanks, that's huge. But I was looking for a simpler solution. Usual DCC has a straight forward way of achieving just extruded spline. I think polyextrude with translate makes it more accessible. But thank you anyway!
it works for me (18.5.408), if you choose for extrusion mode (point normal and attribute), where the attribute should be a point vector attribute, which defines the direction. You can also change the length and it will effect distance. The orientation along curve will automatically give you v@up attribute.
Poly extruding a line. (Yes you read it right) Jan. 19, 2021, 5:24 a.m.
I have the same issue. When you put transform node in between it appears randomly if moved or rotated. Somehow I think extrude does not know here to extrude the simple line.