Anders Elmholdt


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VFX Artist



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Animated visibility through USD not working correctly Jan. 29, 2020, 10:12 a.m.

Hi. I am attempting to animate the visibility of several objects in LOPS, and then write that out to a USD file. The animation looks correct when looking at it directly in solaris, but as soon as I write the scene out to a usd file it breaks and makes the objects invisible all the time. By inspecting the .usda file I noticed that it sets timesamples for the visibility token at all the frames where the object is supposed to be invisible, but does not include any timesamples for the frames where it is supposed to be visible. I have attempted to set this up with both a prune LOP and a wrangle LOP but both seem to not work correctly when exporting.

Is there a way to force the usd rop to include timesamples for every single frame?

Exporting creases with alembic Nov. 5, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

Hi. I need to export a model that I have altered in houdini, so it can be rendered in Maya. The model was originally made in maya and contains creases which read nicely in houdini as a vertex attribute (creaseweight) and point attribute (cornerweight). However when I try to export the model back into Maya using alembic the creases do not read properly, and instead shows up in Mayas “extra attributes” section. Does anyone know of a way to get the crease information properly exported?